Are you aware of the benefits that dental crowns can provide and how they are beneficial for any situations in which a tooth not only needs to be restored but also an additional layer of protection needs to be added? Dental crowns are completely customizable prosthetic devices that are fixed over the top of teeth on all sides. Not only does this add an additional layer of protection, but it also ensures that a tooth can be enhanced as needed.
Dental crowns are customizable to the size, shape or color you desire for a tooth. In situations where you have a tooth that is so severely damaged that no other restoration treatments may work correctly, you may normally have to do an extraction. However, there are times when dental crowns can save teeth that would otherwise need to be extracted. Through the use of a dental crown treatment, teeth that have suffered severe damage that otherwise could not be corrected can be fixed with the use of a dental crown. Dental crowns can even be used in situations when previous restorations such as implants or bridges are already in place. Dental crowns can even be used to cover up teeth with root canals.
If you need a dental filling or have a cavity that cannot easily be corrected due to the fact that not enough to tooth remains, it is possible for dental crowns to hold a filling and cavity together. Furthermore, dental crowns can even be safely applied to children who are at a high risk of cavities and tooth decay.
If you would like more information about dental crowns or would like to schedule an appointment with Louisiana Dental Center, you can call us at (985) 643-8800. Our entire team here at our dental office in Slidell, Louisiana, wants to help you take charge of your future with a healthy smile!